How to Calculate Percentage Discount Between Two Numbers

How to Calculate Percentage Discount Between Two Numbers

Calculating the percentage discount between two numbers is a skill that can save you money and help you make smarter purchasing decisions. In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the steps to calculate percentage discounts and provide helpful tips for making the most of your savings. By the end of this article, you'll be able to confidently calculate percentage discounts and become a savvier shopper.

What is a Percentage Discount?

A percentage discount is a reduction in price, expressed as a percentage of the original price. Discounts are used by retailers and service providers to attract customers, increase sales, and clear inventory. Knowing how to calculate percentage discounts allows you to compare offers and make informed decisions about your purchases.

How to Calculate Percentage Discount Between Two Numbers

Follow these simple steps to online simple discount calculator between two numbers:

  1. Identify the original price and the discounted price: The original price is the initial price of the item before any discount is applied. The discounted price is the final price you pay after the discount is applied.
  2. Subtract the discounted price from the original price: This will give you the absolute discount amount.
  3. Divide the absolute discount amount by the original price: This will give you the decimal value of the discount.
  4. Multiply the decimal value by 100: This will convert the decimal value into a percentage, which is the percentage discount.

Formula for Calculating Percentage Discount

Percentage Discount = ((Original Price - Discounted Price) / Original Price) * 100


Let's say you want to purchase a pair of shoes with an original price of $100. The shoes are on sale for $80. To calculate the percentage discount, follow these steps:

  1. Original Price: $100
  2. Discounted Price: $80
  3. Absolute Discount Amount: $100 - $80 = $20
  4. Decimal Value of Discount: $20 / $100 = 0.20
  5. Percentage Discount: 0.20 * 100 = 20%

The percentage discount between the two prices is 20%.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I calculate the discounted price if I know the original price and the percentage discount?

A: Subtract the percentage discount from 100%, then multiply the result by the original price. This will give you the discounted price.

Q: Can I use the percentage discount formula to calculate discounts for multiple items?

A: Yes, you can use the formula to calculate discounts for multiple items. However, ensure that the original and discounted prices are the total prices for all items being considered.

Q: How can I compare percentage discounts to determine which offer is better?

A: Calculate the percentage discount for each offer and compare the results. The higher the percentage discount, the better the offer.


Learning how to calculate percentage discounts between two numbers is an essential skill for savvy shoppers. With this knowledge, you can compare offers, make smarter purchasing decisions, and save money. Remember to always consider the original and discounted prices, and use the percentage discount formula to calculate your savings. By following these steps, you'll be well on your way to becoming a discount calculation expert.

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